
The session is the governing body of the Tazewell Presbyterian Church.  Once a church member is nominated and elected to the session for a three year term they are known as an “Elder”.  A title they carry for the rest of their life.  Currently the session consists of:

Clerk of Session: Carol Weaver
Assistant Clerk: Joan Flynn


Class of 2021

Class of 2022

Matthew Irvin Joe Bowen
Kim McGraw Jerry Cromer
Howie Mitchell Eunice Jones Lester
Michael Thomas Carol Weaver


Class of 2023


Joan Flynn Joe Bowen
Henry Kincer Jim Thompson
David Larimer Vacant – TBD
Josh Thompson


Clerk of Session is responsible for keeping full and accurate records of session meetings and congregational meetings of TPC, receiving and dispersing correspondence for TPC, and preserving said records for presbytery.

Assistant Clerk assumes the clerk’s role when he/she is absent.

Trustees provide signatures representing the church, the property and special funds of the church as directed by the session or congregation.

Nominating Committee, consisting of five members, is elected by the church each year and is responsible for nominating elders, trustees, future nominating committee members, and when needed, a pastor nominating committee. This committee includes both women and men, giving fair representation to persons of all age groups and all racial ethnic members and persons with disabilities who are members of the congregation. At least one of the five members is actively attending worship services at Black’s Chapel. This committee is described in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Form of Government, which sets forth required practices for the committee. See Book of Order Section G-14.0200.

Sessional Committees

Christian Education “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22.6

The Christian Education Committee is called by God and our love for the Church to further train and educate all church members from childhood through adults to know, love and follow the teachings of Christ through Sunday School, Bible School, Adventure Time, Youth Group, Pre-School, Camps, Retreats, Special Educational Events and Vocational Guidance.
Fellowship and Mission is called to be faithful to the commandments to “love God with all our heart and love our neighbors as ourselves “ and to serve as a bridge between the congregation and the world by coordinating local and world missions, distributing interest from the Trust Funds to benevolences, coordinating the Special Projects (link) and Fellowship events (link)of the church.

Finance and Stewardship Committee
is called by God and is committed to assuring that the financial activities and record keeping of our church are handled in an open, safe, and prudent manner at all times; challenging and encouraging the members to respond to God’s grace by giving freely of their time talents and resources; and emphasizing good stewardship in supporting our church locally and our Presbyterian denomination worldwide.

Pastoral Care Committee
is called by God to lovingly “shepherd” and “bear the burdens” of our covenant community by praying, visiting, sending cards, providing transportation, meeting special needs, sharing communion, showing hospitality, listening and providing a comforting presence.

Personnel Committee
is called by God and committed to enable our church to have an efficient, productive, coordinated staff with appropriate support, compensation, guidance, and work environment.
Property Committee is called to glorify God by seeing that His House of worship and the TPC property, including the church van, stay in good repair, clean, and beautiful with the help of this committee and the cooperation of the congregation. Our care of the church property is a witness to our faith and devotion to God.
Worship Committee is called by God to nurture and grow the faith of the congregation through all aspects of worship.